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ADMINISTRATIVE Roles & Requirements


Preparation of a Video Resume : As a first step of the application, DIU requires a video resume (must be in English) from interested candidates to measure the reflection on his/her own eligibility on how much he/she is capable and able to present. A video resume is a recorded expression of the applicant's professional experience, qualifications, and interests relevant to the job being applied for, submitted to a prospective employer in a video form. You can make a video resume by using a smartphone with simple editing. A professional recording would be highly appreciated. A standard video resume should not be more than three (3) minutes. What to say should, therefore, be thought out carefully and planned through sketches before recording. To form an idea of possible contents for making a video resume please click here and to see a sample video resume please click here

Preparation of a short class lecture Video: A video lesson or lecture is a video (must be in English) which presents educational material for a suitable topic in a manner that students will be able to understand and learn. It can be a video of a teacher speaking to the camera, presentation of photographs/powerpoint and text about the topic or some mixture of these in an area where a teacher feels comfort. The teacher should make efforts to make the class interactive by starting with a question that the video will answer. A standard class lecture video should not take more than five (5) minutes to be completed. To see a sample class lecture video please click here

After completing the video resume and class lecture video the applicant needs to upload the video in youtube or Vimeo as s/he prefere and input the link in the applicant application form


To view job circulars please go through the above mentioned expectations and certify below that you agree with them.